I actually still shoot film the vast majority of the time however I purchased my mother a G-10 for her birthday last year and spent a couple weeks using the camera
so I could adequately teach her how to use it. I have since borrowed it on numerous occasions and was actually about to buy my own G-10 but then I heard about the G-11 so I figured I would wait and buy the new upgraded version. I am glad I did just that. For me this camera is worth upgrading to just for the swivel LCD view screen on the back. I cant tell you how many times I have shot outdoors and was completely unable to see the LCD screen even when you shaded it with one of your hands. Adding the swivel option basically eliminates this problem. This option is so nice when shooting outdoors that I am honestly thinking about upgrading my mothers camera
for this one reason alone as she doesn't have the best eyesight which means if I am having problems seeing the viewfinder, I can only imagine how hard it is for her to see it.
Office Sale Cheaper: Hewlett Packard Hp Laserjet 9050dn Laser Printer M...
Office Sale Cheaper: Hewlett Packard Hp Laserjet 9050dn Laser Printer M...:
Hewlett Packard Hp Laserjet 9050dn Laser Printer Monochrome Plain Paper
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12 years ago